Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Scarves! Scarves! Scares! How I Love Winter Scarves!

          I love winter scarves! I love thick scarves, long scarves, smooth scarves, colorful scarves but most of all I love my cheapie pashmina/silk/cashmere scarves. The ones I have are different mix of the three fabrics. 

      But what in the world is pashmina?Apparently, it's not recognized as a fabric in the U.S. But what I really wanted to know was, are they scarves bad for my hair? I know I can't base my answer on how soft and smooth they feel but what I do know is my winter coats are not something I want my hair to rub against. All but one scarf was labeled 70/30 or 50/50 pashmina or cashmere/silk allegedly (I say that because they were a steal in the streets of Manhattan years ago). 

Scarves that just say pashmina could possibly be a blend of a lot of other fabrics. The scarf on the far right is labeled that way, surprisingly it is the softest, however, I have never worn it out.
       My favorite Herringbone wool jacket is great to look at, it keeps me warm and fashionable (lol) but the material is pretty harsh on my hair, to me it's almost worse than cotton. 

        So the final touch before heading out in the cold are my winter scarves. Over the years as my hair got longer, I've shied away from thick wool/cotton scarves. I know they are oh so warm but I worried about how much my hair rubbed against them. 

       When I wear my hair down, I wrap my scarves around my shoulders like a shawl (those scarves can be described as shawls) and make sure my hair is rubbing against my coats. I don't even want my coat to touch he nape of my hair when I put it up, so I usually slip knot my scarf and tuck the ends in my coat (fancy, huh). I get plenty of compliments on the looks and the scarves but really I just want to protect my hair. Whether I flat ironed, did a braid out or twist out, I want to minimize rubbing against tough fabrics. The winter scarves are the closest I get to my sleeping scarf/bonnet/satin pillow case when I'm out for the day.
How do you protect your ends when you let your hair down for a night out?


  1. 'Tis one of the things that I love about winter: layering! Your scarf collection is super cute! I sewed a satin bonnet into my favorite thick wool hat and have rocked for the last couple of weeks. Take that polar vertex!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Thnaks girl,
      I really need to sit down and do that. I don't wear hats no matter how cold it is because of the material :/

  2. This is the only thing I like about winter! Love your scarves!!

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